Chinese culture - Wikipedia The Chinese character gong (宮; meaning "palace") represents two connected rooms (呂) under a roof (宀). Originally the character applied to any residence or mansion, but it was used in reference to solely the imperial residence since the … Outline of culture - Wikipedia Customs, laws, dress, architectural style, social standards, religious beliefs, and traditions are all examples of cultural elements. Blurred Lines - Wikipedia Martel also sought out intentionally "gross" and "oversized" props to utilize in the video. [24]
What does "bluffin' with my muffin" mean? | Yahoo Answers
"It follows," we read in one passage, "that the possession of a good poker face" (the italics are the author's) "is an advantage." If this had been said by a Liverpool rough of his wife, the meaning would have been clear to every one. Cavendish, however, does not seem to be writing especially for Lancashire. Poker - definition of poker by The Free Dictionary Define poker. poker synonyms, poker pronunciation, poker translation, English dictionary definition of poker. n. One that pokes, especially a metal rod used to stir a fire. n. Any of various card games played by two or more players who bet on the value of their... POKER-FACED | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary Meaning of poker-faced in English. ... poker-faced adjective, adverb, at poker face; See all meanings. Word of the Day. poacher. someone who catches and kills animals illegally ... New Words. shrobing noun. April 22, 2019. More new words. Get our free widgets. Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box ... Poker-faced - definition of poker-faced by The Free Dictionary
Mar 8, 2007 ... Priests, prostitutes, psychologists, cops, jazz musicians, poker players, the ... Warrior slang, however, has a peculiar appeal and influence. ... A quick scan of this dictionary illustrates the spectrum: disciplined ... Face it, soldier.
What does Poker mood mean in Urban Dictionary?
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a fake orgasim. 1. 'Didya know he pokes all of his classmates every effin day?' 'I know rite? Such a Poker Face!' 2. 'Jeez I hate poker faces.They are flooding my notifications' Urban Dictionary: butter-pokerface That chick was pretty hot except for her enormous schnoz and ridiculous clothes. Oh, and she had a dick, too. She was such a butter-pokerface.
Poker Hand Slang; General Poker Terms. The following is a list of the general terms that are most often used while playing poker. Knowing the phrases listed below will help you fit in better at any poker game or tournament that you might play in and some of these may even be useful while sitting in at a table.
Lady GaGa - Poker Face Lyrics | SongMeanings Song MeaningLady Gaga interpreted "Poker Face" at the 20th Annual White party. "Poker face is the one she puts on while she's with a man but really fantasizing about a woman". As according to Perez Hilton. I found this interesting because I wondered what the meaning really was and I never could come up with one definite answer. So, I hope this ... I'm an Introvert, and Seriously, This Is Just My Face Seriously, this is just my face. Introverts and ‘That Face’ You’re probably familiar with the term, “resting bitch face,” which, according to Urban Dictionary, is when someone “naturally looks mean when her face is expressionless, without meaning to.” When we talk about RBF, we’re usually referring to women, but I’ve seen men ... poker | Origin and meaning of poker by Online Etymology ... Slang poker face (n.) "deadpan" is from 1874. A good player is cautious or bold by turns, according to his estimate of the capacities of his adversaries, and to the impression he wants to make on them. 7. It follows that the possession of a good poker face is an advantage. No one who has any pretensions to good play will betray the value of his ... Poker Slang - Online Poker Slang from Poker Terms
Datasets are an integral part of the field of machine learning. Major advances in this field can result from advances in learning algorithms (such as deep learning), computer hardware, and, less-intuitively, the availability of high-quality … Glossary of golf - Wikipedia The following is a glossary of the terminology currently used in the sport of golf. Where words in a sentence are also defined elsewhere in this article, they appear in italics. List of words having different meanings in American and British…